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2020 was most certainly a challenging year for businesses worldwide and the commitment, flexibility and hard work of our incredible Bar2 team is the fundamental reason why we continue to run successfully today. This period of extreme uncertainty introduced remote working to our daily lives and called on our teams to demonstrate their adaptability, reliability and trust in our business to continue to function as efficiently as possible throughout the ongoing pandemic.

Through this transitional period, conversations surrounding how we lead, inspire, empower and reward our amazing team for their continued support has been at the forefront for our leaders as we move through this cultural shift. With a stronger focus on employee work-life balance; creating happy, confident and empowered people is our goal. We strive to establish and prioritise people’s personal goals; to inspire them to be confident in their opinions and contribution towards important conversations; and to coach them through their career journeys - encouraging recognition and incentives for achieving those goals along the way.

Investors in People Accreditation

The Investors in People accreditation acts as the global benchmark for people management and have accredited more than 50,000 organisations in 66 countries worldwide. Using a comprehensive framework assessing leadership, support and improvement; this accreditation is designed to recognise and influence businesses to create working environments that encourage the best in people.

Following a meticulous study of our operations, and the career paths, relationships and attitudes of our very own Bar2 team, we are delighted to announce that we have officially been awarded the Silver Investors in People accreditation.

What does the Silver Investors in People Accreditation recognise?

The silver accreditation recognises that Bar2 has an environment in which

  • People appreciate the exceptional way the organisation is led and believe that leaders set an excellent example.
  • The culture within the organisation brings people together on all levels.
  • People feel trusted to make decisions within their roles, leading to great autonomy.
  • People feel appreciated and recognised for good work.
  • People have opportunities to develop and upskill.
  • We hold excellent relationships with our stakeholders, ensuring every chance of sustainable outcomes.

Starting 2021 with this prestigious accreditation is a great reflection on not only the transformation of our business over the past 12 months, but also provides a key indicator of how Bar2 is set to evolve over the next year!